Litzie the Middle Egg
After the apocalypse that hit the world, it is so good to be back with you my friends!
In this special and quite historical time we live, as a come back, Circus Kane offers you LITZIE THE MIDDLE EGG!
Nothing was harder to get these last months than Eggs, Toilet Paper and Milk; so here is my Pandemic Ultimate Luxury Pack! (please note that the toilet paper is not included with the doll...!)
Litzie the Middle Egg is dedicated to my dearest Friend Kathi Litzenberger who is the greatest Humpty lover in this world! I can't even think about how many eggs she lives with and I am so very grateful for all this love. She also is the Mom of Meringue, the world famous Baby Humpty who even got a book published about her adventures as a mermegg!
Litzie has the original Humpty Dumpty head, on the Grook body. It's been a very long time I wanted to use 3D technology to associate Humpty and Grook as I've always thought that Grook's body would be perfect for Humpty, even more than her original body... So here we are!
Litzie is 23cm tall. Her eyes are 10 mm. She comes Pink Petal, Lagoona Blue, Purple and Fudge skin, with a free bag and a free pair of eyes and of course, her eggshell hat is included with each doll.
You can choose my face up as an option. Be quick though for I cannot paint more than 40 face ups per preorder as I am a one woman circus :)
But I am also extremely lucky to have amazing artist friend who proposed her services to all of my collectors who want a handmade face up.
If you want a face up by Maureen for your Litzie, please contact them directly. You will pay Maureen directly and you will have to send me an email to tell me to ship your doll directly to her.
Face Up Artist : Maureen Carroll. Her work can be seen HERE. and her email is Maureen is a very delicate and poetic artist ^^
The preorder will be open from June 10th till July 6th.
Layaways are still available of course, as usual. But from now, it is required to pay a deposit through paypal to validate your order. After that, you have to send each month another payment, the amount is flexible and decided by you to not stress your budget; but each month an amount must be sent to my paypal In the title of each payment you must write your order number and the number of your payment ( 2nd payment, 3rd payment, 4th payment and so on) or if it is your last payment " ORDER NUMBER... LAYAWAY COMPLETE."
If you have any question, please email me directly at!
Please read the "Conditions" page : once an order is placed, no payment or deposit is refundable.
The production delay after the preorder is closed is 3/4 months.
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