Humpty Dumpty encore!


They say BJDs are like no other dolls, and I truly believe this. But moreover, I absolutely believe, that some BJDs are like no other doll a dollmaker can make. This applies to yours truly. I have had the extreme luck to make a few dolls which became iconic in the community. Not all of the dolls I made (don't worry, my head is still its normal size LOL) though a handful of them, to my profound pride and gratitude; became alive in the community out of my control and definitely without any help of mine. 

To make such dolls, is in my opinion, a grand blessing. Being thankful for such event happening to one of our sculpts is most definitely something that must be felt in the most humble manner. The doll is and exists on her own, without even needing us, their maker. 

This is why, it is to me a duty, to keep that doll's life reachable to all the collectors who made her live or want to make her live. It's the least I can do, even if new sculpts are exciting, even if projects are flooding my notebooks; that when I am asked for her, to answer a prompt yes along with an immense thank you.

I've recently had a stellar sale on facebook, for which my heart still bursts out of joy to this day, when I think of the overwhelming response I got. Humpty was VERY sought for during this sale, and I only had two.
Also, what truly touched my heart was that all the collectors, when asking for her, sent me pictures of her FIRST preorder. As if despite the years, her coming to the world was still an exciting news, as if the enthusiasm hadn't faded at all.

Therefore, and to respond present for you my beloved collectors, to respond a grateful YES to that dream of yours; for the very first time since her preorder a few centuries ago; I am making Humpty, the original YOSD size Humpty, available again IN HER FIRST PREORDER COLORS.


For the sake of old times, even if you all know what I am about to describe, let's go now with the doll's details.


Humpty is a YOSD bjd, she has a massive head lol, she is 30cm tall, her body is a large one too to support that wonderful egg. She needs 14mm eyes. 
She comes in her iconic Pink Petal and Warm Sand colors, of course!

Humpty in blank is 599$
Humpty with a face up is 680$

There is evidently a face up option available too, but again, I am still a one woman circus, and now I also string all of your dolls as well, so I can only offer 30 seats for a face up by me. 

The deposit for Humpty is bigger than usually. But the face up seats are LIMITED AND SOME HAVE ALREADY SOLD!! So it would be totally unfair to take a seat from a collector who truly wants her, by someone that finally never subscribes their automatic paypal layaway; as it unfortunately happened lately.
Therefore, I ask again for a deposit, then the remaining balance is to be paid on monthly installments by the collector, directly to my paypal, in a matter of 2 to 5 months tops. ALSO, IF YOU ARE A REGULAR OR KNOWN COLLECTOR OF MINE AND YOU NEED A DIFFERENT PLAN, PLEASE EMAIL ME. WE WILL SORT SOMETHING OUT TOGETHER.
I apologize for that change in the layaway method, which is really going back the old way. But I have to confess that beyond being heartbreaking, it takes a lot of time to process all the orders, a lot of money to invest in producing the dolls and their fullsets to finally discover that some, took a seat from other collectors who are now sad, then didn't even bother to subscribe their paypal layaway nor to answering my numerous emails. I know that the 95% of my collectors who are wonderful and that I cherish so much, will understand the issue and where I am coming from. THANK YOU <3 

The preorder will be open from June 19th till July 8th.



Layaways are still available of course, as usual. But from now, it is required to pay a deposit through paypal to validate your order. After that, you have to send each month another payment, the amount is flexible and decided by you to not stress your budget; but each month an amount must be sent to my paypal In the title of each payment you must write your order number and the number of your payment ( 2nd payment, 3rd payment, 4th payment and so on) or if it is your last payment " ORDER NUMBER... LAYAWAY COMPLETE."
If you have any question, please email me directly at!

Please read the "Conditions" page : once an order is placed, no payment nor deposit is refundable.


The production delay after the preorder is closed is about 4 months.


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